All our conversion products are designed using the Automatic Mass Processing methodology that has formed the basis of our software since 1987.
This has the advantages of speed, consistency, and
repeatability - a typical project will consist of
many “iterations” of the entire
Logos Conversions offers the following conversions services from these languages to IBM Enterprise COBOL for Z/OS or IBM COBOL for VSE:
D2C – DYL280 (CA
Advantage VISION: Results)
Q2C – Quikjob (CA Advantage VISION: Report)
In each case, we offer a complete conversion service performed at our own centre, consisting of the following principal steps:
Inventory Analysis and Project Evaluation
order to evaluate the complexity, price, and probable timescale of a conversion
project, we need to evaluate the
inventory of
programs and copy
books to be converted.
On signature of the contract, we will customize
the conversion software to meet the client’s known requirements.
Any specific problems discovered during the
Inventory and Testing phases will be resolved by further customization.
Conversion and Testin
We will convert and compile the supplied programs until the results are free of compilation errors. At this point, we will send the converted programs to the client for testing.
It is important for the client to
notify us promptly if
any additional
errors or inconsistencies are found during the tests so that they can be
corrected in the next iteration of the conversion cycle by means of additional customization.
Cutover to production
We will assist the client to build a procedure
to put the converted programs into production, and to copy any files
that are needed to start the new production
cycle. Once all the programs have been successfully tested, we will make a final
delivery of the converted material, and the production cutover procedure can be
executed by the client. This typically
takes a weekend.
Post-cutover Support
After the cutover to production, we offer three
months of free support for the converted programs.
We hope you have found this information useful.
For further information, or to request an Inventory Analysis and
Evaluation, please complete our Enquiry Form by
clicking the link below where you will choose the language you want to convert
to COBOL and define the characteristics of your project, Operating System,
number of programs and approximate Lines of Code to convert:
Brian Allgar
Tel: +33 1461 3730
Carlos Aguilera Sr.
Tel: +1 434 401 4828